MakE connections 

"Creating Safe Spaces: The Importance of Art Therapy in Helping Clients Connect with Their Inner Worlds in a Non-Judgmental Environment."       

   Habib Zeitouneh, Founder & Principal Art Therapist


Allied Art Therapy recognizes that art has the potential to heal and transform the lives of individuals facing mental health challenges, including but not limited to anxiety, depression, trauma, and various disabilities. Our art therapy services are open to people of all ages and backgrounds, who may be dealing with a range of mental health conditions. We are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment where individuals can use art as a tool to improve their mental wellbeing and achieve personal growth.

Face-to-Face Art Therapy

One of the main benefits of face-to-face art therapy is the ability to have direct interaction and communication with the therapist. This can be especially helpful in building a therapeutic relationship, which is essential for the healing process. In face-to-face sessions, the therapist can observe the individual's nonverbal cues, provide immediate feedback and guidance, and create a safe and supportive environment.

Group Art Therapy

Group art therapy can be beneficial for individuals who are looking for support and connection with others who are going through similar experiences. Group art therapy sessions can be a safe and supportive space for individuals to share their feelings, thoughts, and art creations. The group setting can also provide a sense of community and validation, which can be helpful for individuals who may feel alone in their struggles

Online Art Therapy

Online art therapy can be a convenient and accessible option for individuals who are not able to attend face-to-face sessions. Online sessions can be done through video conferencing, allowing the therapist and individual to interact in real-time. Additionally, online art therapy can be useful for individuals who live in remote or rural areas where access to art therapists may be limited.

Why Choose Art therapy?

Our team of highly trained and experienced art therapists use a person-centered approach, which means that we focus on the unique needs and goals of each individual who comes to us for help. We believe that everyone has the potential to heal and grow, and our goal is to help you tap into that potential.
Flexible Service Delivery

We offer a range of modes of services including; studio based group, One-to-One sessions, flexible in-home mobile services and Telehealth online sessions.   

Accredited Service 

Allied Art Therapy is distinctive, our approach is unique. Our process allows reflection and consideration beyond issues that may lay at the surface. In each session the participant is encouraged to take this journey and consider their own potential.

Peace of Mind 

Our therapists come qualified and are chosen for their experience in clinical mental health and post graduate research in the field of Art Therapy. With over 25 years of program delivery in Arts based projects.

Practicing with accreditation from the peak professional association ANZACATA which is the professional body representing creative arts therapists in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region.

Art therapy service has been approved by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and is delivered under the Capacity Building category of Improved Daily Living. Through this service, participants can develop their communication, socialization, and fine motor skills, while also expressing their emotions and experiences in a safe and creative environment. Our qualified art therapists work with participants to create personalized therapy plans that align with their individual goals and needs.

Let's talk

 To learn more about Allied Art Therapy or to schedule a free consultation  contact us or fill out the form below.
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FRee Caregivers service 

Allied Art Therapy offers a free online art therapy service for caregivers, with no funding necessary. Our service provides a unique and effective way for caregivers to manage their stress and maintain their overall wellbeing. Using art as a therapeutic tool, our sessions can help individuals better understand and express their emotions, leading to improved daily living. Contact us to schedule a brief online session and learn more about the principles of art therapy.